Banana Nice Cream ~ Cool Summer Treat!

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Have you tried Banana Nice Cream before? It's a non-dairy "ice cream" you can make easily at home. It has been HOT here in Florida and this has been my go-to afternoon chill snack that gives me the energy to power through the day, instead of a sugary snack that makes me want to crash and nap. 

Here's the recipe:

Frozen Bananas
Coconut Milk
Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Salt

Combine iingredients in food processor or blender. Drizzle in the Coconut Water so your nice cream isn't too liquidy. I use about 1/4 cup Coconut Water to 8 bananas, so not a lot. Also you can add vanilla extract, a pinch of salt, and even a little sweetener if you like your nice cream on the sweeter side. I sometimes add a drizzle of maple syrup. 

Top with your favorite toppings! Today I used cacao nibs, and a blackberry from my garden on top!


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