Game Changers for Your Skin

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Are you ready to see some REAL results? Skincare is not about messing around, or even trusting big corporate companies who are out for big profits, using the cheapest ingredients possible. We all have to be more careful lately when we read labels because these days EVERYONE is throwing around the words "organic", "gluten-free" and "vegan" to lure you. Read between the lines and more importantly, read ALL the ingredients on a product before you spend you good hard-earned money. 

Okay, back to the topic! 

We are all aging....who has time for "ok" treatments....not me! I honestly want to look as young, youthful, glowing and healthy as long as possible and there's no shame in that! I have been working with natural ingredients for 30 years now and I LOVE being on the cutting edge. I am now 50 and although I'm not too happy about that (lol) I love feeling good when I put on my skincare and I know you will too! Checkout what products are now LIVE in my shop! I ONLY make products I would put on my own skin. As always, everything 100% handmade ~ inspired by nature + made by hand

Here is a list of some brand-new GAME CHANGERS to add to your collection:
1. Seamoss + Hyaluronic Bioactive Face Gel
2. COEnzyme Q10 Antioxidant Face Serum
3. Hyaluronic + Rosewater Face Elixir
4. Blue Mermaid Face Masque
5. Tinted Sunscreen Beauty Balm
6. Tinted Sunscreen Face Cream (available in 3 shades)
7. Vitamin Sea Jelly Face Masque

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